FNB Sprout Account
Earns Like a CD, Flexible Like a Savings Account
As a parent or grandparent, you hope the future will be bright for the young child or children in your life. With a Sprout account by First National Bank in Pinckneyville, you can help nurture that future by putting away some money and watching it grow.
A Sprout account earns the interest of a Certificate of Deposit, but allows you to continue to add to it like a savings account. The money can then be used for college or anything else when the child turns 18.
There are two options for a Sprout CD; a 25 month shorter term (recommended for children 11 or older) and a 62 month longer term (recommended for those 10 and younger). All it takes is $25 to open a Sprout. Add to it with deposits of at least $25.
Help your child’s future flourish. Open a Sprout account today!

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service representative for more information.