FNB is engaged in community projects and events, supports local schools and charities, and participates in initiatives that enhance the community’s quality of life. We work closely, side-by-side to make our schools, business, and families thrive. At FNB we are committed to serving our customers and the community first!

Reminding our community about the importance of community banks, in April we have story time at Pinckneyville Grade School.

FNB awards $1,000 scholarships per year for up to four years to high school seniors.

4th graders tour the bank and learn about banking and saving money.

4th graders plant flowers to beautify the Walnut Street business district.

Bidding on and purchasing livestock from young farmers; then donated back to them.

Annual tractor show and various activities that support it.

Join us every Friday this summer as we have local and regional food trucks at FNB!

Everything from livestock to food to rides.

A fun summer program for kids aged 5-12.

 Pinckneyville’s premier festival, a tradition for over 100 years!

FNB lunch for the men and women who have served to protect our nation on Veteran’s Day.

Pinckneyville feeder schools submit a school supply wish list in August to FNB.

FNB employees have fun participating in the PCHS Homecoming Week dress up days.

Annual tractor show and various activities that support it.

Pinckneyville Community High School’s student section at sporting events.

All senior club members enjoy a catered luncheon with PCHS jazz band and chorus.

FNB employees participate in team-building exercises, dressing up with themed days to get us in the Christmas Spirit.

Wreaths are placed on Veteran Graves at various cemeteries throughout Perry County.

PCHS’s basketball showcase with teams from across the region participating.

 February marks the month that FNB celebrates our customers, having giveaways and treats to thank our customers for being so great!

Once a quarter FNB has BankChats, a time of educational fun with FNB staff!

Each month a District 50 student gets a t-shirt or gift card, courtesy of FNB.

Pinckneyville Garden Club

Pinckneyville Public Library

Pinckneyville Chamber of Commerce

Tamaroa Grade School

St. Bruno Catholic School

Pinckneyville District 50 Grade School

Community Consolidated School District 204

Pinckneyville District 50 Junior High School

Pinckneyville Community High School

DuQuoin Youth Club

Perry County Historical Society

Pinckneyville Community Hospital

Pinckneyville Junior Baseball Softball League

Perry County 4H

Beacoup Bottoms Whitetails Chapter